Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sooooo behind!

Ugh I am so behind with my blogging and that makes me sad.  I am so behind in crafting in general.  Lots and lots happening in my world these days!  Lots of sad too.  My husbands grandmother passed away--she was the sweetest woman I'd met in a long time!  This week has been rough and I'm sure it will be even harder as we all gather to say goodbye to her!  I hope we can all hold on to her wonderful spirit!  She will certainly be missed.  Yikes...typing through tears is not easy!  So I will make this brief.  I made this small note card to say thank you for a wonderful plant my DH received from his work--it's lovely!


  1. I am so sad to hear this news. So sorry for your families loss.

  2. Sorry to hear of the loss. She will always be in your memories.

    Carson's Creations


Thank you so much for your comments-- they mean so much to me! Happy Crafting!